Saturday, March 21, 2009

Poor Leadership

I am tired of being blamed for things that are a result of poor leadership.  I am new to this system, in my second year of teaching, and am being blamed for taking initiative to help students without going through the 'proper' channels.  Now I understand following the rules and I am more than willing to.  But it is hard to do that when you don't know the rules exist.  When I ask my leader a question or inform that leader that I am doing something and they say 'great' and tell me nothing else, then I'm going ahead with what I'm doing.  If a student clears something with that leader then tells me about it later then I assume the leader took care of everything which is why they signed off on the endeavor.  

This "leader" has already driven away a good science teacher.  She's now driving away the math teacher.  And she is certainly driving away me.  And she wonders why this Academy is in constant danger of being closed.

There is a reason I am sending my resume out to schools with real leaders.  I am a beginning teacher, I cannot be expected to run this school, and I need real guidance not just trial by fire (and we'll yell at you when you mess up).  When a group of students comes to you and you tell them about a 'free bus' and tell them to 'write this person' and they do that, don't send me a condescending email (that is cc'd to said students) telling me that I should have written to that person about a free bus and that the students didn't do the letter right.  Why didn't you tell them to tell me, or better yet tell them what should be in that letter?  Why am I all of a sudden the poor, disorganized teacher who has no idea what she's doing (when I didn't even know about this free bus)?  I know it makes her feel better to blame me, because then she takes it off of herself.  But she's driving away the one teacher who is going above and beyond the call of duty, who has taken 4 days off over 2 years, who comes in over an hour early almost every day and stays late, who runs clubs, is always there for her students and actually teaches (and yes the students and I all know that we have maybe 2 or 3 teachers who do that here).  So she is, in her own words, reaping what she sows.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

What did she manage to do yesterday that got you so pissed off? :)