Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A ringing endorsement...

If this doesn't make pay for performance seem like a bad idea... well then I don't know what would:

Voters turn down teacher merit pay measure

Posted by The Oregonian November 04, 2008 20:51PM

Voters turned down Measure 60, which would have required the state to base teacher pay raises on classroom performance.
Like nearly all of their peers nationwide, Oregon teachers are paid strictly according to their years of experience and their level of college education.
The measure was sponsored by Bill Sizemore, the conservative initiative activist who gathered enough signatures to place five measures on the ballot.
A coalition led by the Oregon Education Association argued that Measure 60 would require students to endure more standardized testing and pit teachers against one another.
For those who may not know: Bill Sizemore is one of the biggest assholes alive hands down.  So if HE wants to do pay for performance... then clearly there are some serious problems.

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